The protection of the natural environment is an integral part of Pyramis philosophy. In this direction, all corporate activities are designed to be respectful to nature and environmental friendly.

In our effort to always decrease the solid waste, we have adopted the below actions:

  • Establishment of waste water treatments plant through physico-chemical and biological procedures.
  • The used waste of the production procedure (soap oil, mineral oil, tow, etc.) are being recycled by licensed operators.
  • Recycle of used packaging material such as paper or plastic. In 2010 Pyramis recycled 47.500kg of paper!
  • Innovative packaging for the reduction of styrofoam and other plastic material and their replacement by recyclable ones.
  • Recycle of the consumables by an external partner.
  • Participation in the Collective System of Alternative Management for Portable Electrical Batteries and Accumulators “AFIS S.A.”, by placing collection bins both in our offices and the factory where all our staff and our cooperators can dispose their used batteries.
  • Participation in the collective system for the alternative management of the Waste of Electrical and Electronic Alternative Equipment”Appliances Recycling S.A.”.  As producer of electrical appliances, the company is registered as EEE  producer (Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
  • Recycle of the old fluorescent lamps as well as the old computers or other electronic devices through the Collective System.